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Airport Hive Products for Finance

Airport Hive products for finance provide a unique set of tools for rapidly modelling income or handling the automation of the billing processes, including the application of complex commercial deals.


Fully automate the collation and processing of aeronautical revenue and commercial deals for airport customers. The solution caters for the most basic to the most complex tariff structures. This enables the airport to quickly react with innovative incentive schemes to restore and expand capacity and create commercial opportunities for all types of airport services.

Screenshot from Azinq's Airport Hive Products for Finance showing its intuitive, clear interface.
Screenshot from Azinq's Airport Hive AMS Product Forecasting showing its intuitive, clear interface.


Re-energise your airport business planning and budgeting needs. Save time and resource by rapidly modelling income, cost and capacity using flexible rulesets, the powerful flight schedule builder and variable passenger loads. Model future CAPEX position scenarios to factor in travel disruption and create clear income models. Restrict access to your price sensitive data with strict access control application security.