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Introduction to Andri

Introduction to Andri feature image, airports connecting the world.

We are excited to welcome Andri Örn Víðisson to the Azinq team as Head of Consultancy. Andri is a valuable addition to our team. Having worked for airports he brings a new perspective to what we offer and how we implement them.

Expertise and Knowledge

Andri has comprehensive domain expertise of airport operations and technology through 15 years of industry experience. He has extensive knowledge of passenger processing with emphasis on self-service and common use environments, and experience working on airport operational projects in a multi-airport environment.

Andri has managed multiple projects for airport systems and solutions, from procurement to implementation, writing technical requirements and managing all the different stakeholders of an airport community. Andri has also been involved in IATA Working Groups related to passenger processing and an active participant in different industry user groups and conferences.

Our introduction to Andri, new Head of Consultancy

Supporting Airports in their Digital Journey

Azinq’s vision has always been to create an innovative ecosystem for airports.

Andri’s role, backed by his extensive industry knowledge, is to lead our technology consultancy team in enabling airports to address key business challenges, with full ownership of data and how it’s exchanged.

Andri and his team will focus on:

  • Working alongside our clients to support and advise in decoupling IT systems and help them move to smaller, more manageable components with API-led connectivity. This will ensure change can be implemented with minimal impact on airport business while also significantly reducing costs.
  • Building solutions such as data lakes, provisioning cloud connectivity, and integrations quickly and easily unite technology across airports, delivering business outcomes more efficiently and effectively. They also enhance passenger experience curb to gate.
  • Making airport operational data available to airport authorities so they can establish business intelligence and data science functions, which are fundamental in an airport’s digital journey and data driven decision making.
  • Finding ways to unleash data from silos to make it accessible to enable system integration, data analytics and future proofing the technical estate.
  • Supporting procurement processes based on actual industry experience of being the customer.
  • Providing an implementation service including full project lifecycle support – analysis, building technical requirements, architecture advisory and contractual support.
  • Cloud and system integration specialist services working with all major vendors such as MuleSoft, Amazon and Azure.

If you’re ready to launch initiatives or dedicated labs to drive innovation, then Azinq can help you imagine, deliver and run your future airport using the latest technologies such as data analytics, system integration, custom development, and implementation services.

Andri joining our team will add greatly to the way we deliver our vision.

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Andri to discuss how he can help you digitalise your airport.

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